Coconut water contains medicinal properties that combat abscesses, respiratory disorders, angina, asthma, arthritis, bronchitis, cystitis, high cholesterol, abdominal cramps, malnutrition, diarrhea, common aches and pains, loss of appetite, dry and damaged skin, cough, ulcers and various other ailments.
Coconut water is the sweet hydrating liquid found inside fresh coconuts. Coconut water facilitates digestion, increases sperm count, and helps to clear the urinary tract.
Besides natural sugars composed of vitamins and minerals, coconut water is rich in potassium, chlorides, calcium, magnesium, and contains small quantities of sodium, sugar and proteins. Coconut water is essentially free of fat. While the mineral content in coconut water stays constant. the concentration of protein increases as the fruit ripens.
Coconut water contains a variety of nutrients that come directly from the ocean. Coconut trees grow abundantly throughout most of the tropics. Since coconuts can float at sea, even the smallest most remote islands are covered with coconut trees. Lots of times coconut water is the only drinkable water available, hence its nickname " water of life." There have been numerous accounts of ship wrecks whose passengers survived by drinking coconut water.
The taste of coconut water varies depending on the maturity of the coconut. Coconut water from a young coconut, which is green in color, has the best taste and quality. The coconut water from mature coconuts is not as tasty as the water from a young, green coconut.
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